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Word of Encouragement from Colleen Cook

posted by The Dr. Graber Surgery Team at 2013-10-07 16:11:00

With new foods, strange hours, and un-familiar places, I draw great strength knowing that I can be my best as long as I "stick with the plan". Doing so continues to reinforce the importance and value of good habits in our lives.

My hope for you is that you too, have found strength and support from making the Success Habits your own. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what procedure you have had, no matter when, where or by whom, no matter what your life’s circumstances, these principles will serve you well. Learn from the successful patients who have gone on before you. To win, learn what they know, and do what they did.
posted at: 2013-10-07 16:11:00, last updated: 2013-10-07 16:13:15

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